• A sustainable lifestyle means practicing mindfulness.
  • Sustainability is no longer a choice but a necessity.
  • The motto behind this lifestyle is to not let greed win over need.
  • Sustainable living involves using natural, environment-friendly alternatives that do not pose a threat to depletion of resources.
  • Humans have been unconsciously practicing unsustainable ways of living for years. There is a need to control the depletion of resources to make them available for our future generation.
Antiques of the future

You may have heard or read the word “sustainable” frequently in recent times. Sustainability is the buzzword in every nook and corner of the world. However, the burning question is, “What is sustainability?” A lot of information has been put out and explained about this concept, but not everyone is on par when it comes to practicing it!

Greed and need are two different things, and with natural resources depleting at an alarming rate, the need of the hour is to make sure that today’s greed does not affect tomorrow’s needs. In a nutshell, sustainability is a practice of mindful living.

When you incorporate sustainability in your life, it becomes a sustainable lifestyle. It is also known as “Earth harmony living,” as you are mindful and consciously choosing to opt for eco-friendly alternatives. We all have unconsciously practiced an unsustainable lifestyle (hazardous to the environment and ecology) for years. It could be as small as using plastic daily or not using the natural resources available to us judiciously. To protect the environment as well as our planet, it is necessary to start making eco-friendly and conscious decisions. It is nearly impossible to live a 100% sustainable or plastic/toxin-free lifestyle. However, you can take small steps in your daily life that ensure no harm is done to the environment.

Sustainable Lifestyle vs. Unsustainable Lifestyle:

  • The former saves the planet while the latter has negative effects on mother nature.
  • The former ensures the longevity of flora and fauna while the latter exploits resources.
  • Sustainable living is simple, mindful, and eco-friendly, while unsustainable living promotes greed, wastage, and depletion.

Despite the popular belief that sustainable living burns a hole in your pocket, it is, in fact, the other way round. A sustainable way of living is not costly but extremely effective in the long run. Here are a few eco-friendly lifestyle hacks that you must follow:

Bid adieu to plastic bags and carry reusable ones. Cloth bags are the best alternatives.
Switch to glass or metal containers, organisers, and boxes instead of plastic ones.
Start using a bamboo toothbrush and metal scrapers instead of plastic oral care products.
Drink out of glass or metal jars, tumblers, or bottles instead of plastic ones and make sure you use the reusable metal straws.
Stock up on eco-friendly cutlery instead of plastic ones.
Start shopping from homegrown and green brands that practice sustainability.
Shop from organic grocery stores that sell raw and organic products instead of packaged ones.
When it comes to skin/hair care and makeup, choose cruelty-free brands only.
Grow at least a couple of plants at home and spread greenery.
Switch off lights, fans, appliances when not using and save electricity.
Don’t keep the tap running while brushing your teeth or while doing the dishes.
Be mindful of electronic waste and find proper disposable solutions.
Embrace slow fashion which is of long-lasting quality.
Don’t throw away vegetable scraps and peels; instead, try composting.
Consciously practice the three Rs - reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Sustainable Lifestyle vs. Minimalism

Does a sustainable way of living mean minimalism? Not entirely! While minimalism is an important component of a sustainable lifestyle (in terms of the 3-Rs principle), you can still own a lot of things that are eco-friendly and cruelty-free. The ideology that ‘less is more’ often applies to an eco-friendly lifestyle as you will reduce your wants, reuse your existing material possessions, and recycle whenever possible.

The trick to embracing a sustainable way of living is to find greener alternatives. Once you start promoting green brands, even the existing unsustainable ones will switch to an eco-friendly modus operandi. Empathy is the key, and your actions, the judge of tomorrow’s fate.


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